Filtering by Tag: microblading

"I found it cheaper"

“I found it cheaper”

Look, I’m a HUGE bargain shopper and I will shop around until I can save every. last. penny. Ask my friends and they will ALL tell you that I am THE QUEEN of ROSS. I AM A MAXXINISTA. TAR-GéT is MY FORTé. But when it comes to MY FACE. Hold up. That’s a different story.

A lot of people have asked me why I haven’t done my own brows. Well, I have a lot of brow hairs already (thanks mom & dad) but also I have trust issues with my face. I’m serious! I did my own makeup for my wedding. The one time I had my makeup done “professionally”, I hated it. It is this very reason why I appreciate the heck out of all the clients who have trusted me, and refer me to those they love and care about. THAT MEANS EVERYTHING.

When looking for a PMU artist for your brows, there is so much more than pricing to consider. Look at their portfolio, their reviews, their HEALED work. How thorough are they with your consultation? Where is the studio? How does that look like? Are they certified? Registered with the county to practice? How long have they been doing this? Does this artist fit into my style/brow goals?

The example photos above are actual brows that I have been working on removing. Each lightening/removal session is $100 and most times, it takes more than 1 session. It’s time-consuming and costly. Not all of them were necessarily CHEAPER than me either. 

My point is that when you approach an artist about their price, keep in mind what else you’re paying for as well. All the hours they spent training, practicing, perfecting their craft. Their artistic capabilities and style. Their overhead. Their dreams. We’re all small businesses and we’re all trying to pay our bills too. 

Thanks for reading my thoughts! :)

Brow Mapping

What the heck are all these lines I’m drawing across your face?

K.Wu & Amy-3.jpg

Brow mapping is both an art and a science. YES. SCIENCE. Have you ever heard of the “Golden Ratio”? “Divine proportion”? Phi? 1.618….”

Phi was first mentioned in Euclid’s Elements around 300 BC. It was believed that the relationships between shapes were more aesthetically pleasing when they reached the divine proportion. For example,

“a ‘perfect’ face would display Golden Ratio proportions such as these: Distance from Top-of-the-head to Chin divided by Width-of-head equals .phi.; Length-of-Lips divided by Width-of-Nose equals .phi.; Outside distance between Eyes divided by Length-of-Lips equals .phi.; etc. “


When it comes to your brows, I strive for that proportion as well. The 3 points we are focused on when drawing your brows are the start of the brows (bulb), the highest point (arch), and the end of the brow (tail). From your nostrils straight up is where your brows should start, from your nostrils through your pupils, that’s your arch, and from your nostrils to the outside corner of your eyes are where your brows should end, the tail. If you were to divide the length of the tail to the bulb by the tail to the arch, the PERFECT brows would be close to 1.618.

I also make lines across your face where the highest points are, the middle of your face, and the lowest points. There are a lot of lines going on to guide me in my drawing.

Try it out on yourself with some makeup and a mirror. Do one brow, then copy that brow on over to the other side. It’s not easy right? It’s pretty friggin’ hard.

A couple of things, your face is NOT symmetrical. It’s NOT. Fight me. Just kidding! But really, most faces are not symmetrical and I’ve yet to meet anyone with a face that is. Even models! One side temple may be flatter than the other, one half of the face may be more round, one eye opens a bit more, etc. However, with more practice and experience in drawing brows, it gets easier to get as close to perfect symmetry as possible. That’s the art of it all. You have to take all these natural “imperfections” and create as close to perfect brows as possible.

When you visit, keep that all in mind when I’m drawing your brows. Just because a shape looks good on someone else, it may not fit on yours. Don’t be afraid to speak up. If something doesn’t seem even on one side, speak up. We could probably tweak it or there is probably a reason why you’re seeing it that way. Let’s talk about it. You’re going to stare at your face for the rest of your life, not me. There’s no way I can possibly see everything that you see. You and your face have a MUCH longer relationship than your face & me, after all.