Jade Brows

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Make GOOD Art

When I got into PMU I was so excited to create. I was excited to transform faces.

I still am!

I love meeting new people.

I love creating.

I love creating ART.

But what makes “good” art?

Art with integrity.

Let’s be real, spending a few hundred dollars on your face is a big deal.

Booking that appointment. BIG DEAL.

Waiting for weeks, months, for the big day...

Skipping your morning coffee/Monster/Red Bull in preparation for a session of getting poked by a needle over and over again.


I can think of a MILLION other things I’d rather be doing for 2.5 hours (or more).

It’s a big deal for me that you’re at my table.

Find an artist that makes you feel like you are their priority.

And together, you’re gonna make the BEST art.

Make sure you get all your questions answered before you book, after you book, during the appointment.

AFTER the appointment.

You can never ask your artist too many questions.

Making good art is making sure your entire experience is worth every single dollar you saved up to see me.

Any questions I can answer for you below?